Renting a property in Asturias as a foreigner can require patience and effort. With the increase in the number of people choosing Spain for work or residence, rental demand has grown by 20% compared to previous years. This increase has made property owners more selective with tenants, particularly with foreigners. One of the main reasons for this selectiveness is concern about so-called "okupas" — individuals who occupy properties illegally and may stop paying rent for extended periods.
To protect themselves from such situations, owners often require a work contract in Spain, which allows them to purchase insurance against unpaid rent. This insurance covers rental expenses if the tenant fails to pay. However, this insurance process can be complex and costly, so if a foreigner can demonstrate financial reliability and honesty, owners are often willing to rent without requiring a local work contract.

How to Present Yourself as a Reliable Tenant
If you have the opportunity to earn the trust of the property owner, this can greatly facilitate the rental process. To convince them of your reliability, prepare the following documents and information:
Stable income. One of the most important factors for a landlord is the assurance that you can consistently pay the rent. Many issues with “okupas” arise due to tenants' financial difficulties, not intentional avoidance of payments.
Translated work contract. If you have a contract with a European company, translate it into Spanish. This will help the owner understand your employment status and financial capacity.
Bank balance certificate. Having enough funds in your account to cover over 20 months of rent will make a good impression, as it demonstrates your financial stability.
Bank statement for the past year. A steady income flow in your bank account reflects financial responsibility, which will improve your chances of success.
Advance payment or significant deposit. Some landlords appreciate tenants who are willing to pay 6-12 months in advance or leave a substantial deposit (typically, the deposit is 1-2 months' rent). However, this shouldn’t be viewed as a guarantee, but rather an additional advantage that could sway the owner in your favor.
Openness and communication. Landlords value respectful and open tenants. Share the challenges you face as a foreigner and show a genuine interest in renting their particular property.

Can I Hire a Real Estate Agent to Find a Property for Me?
Usually — no. If a real estate agent has a rental property available, they will select tenants from those who approach them, taking into account the owner’s preferences. Finding a property specifically for a foreigner requires significant time and effort, and most agents won’t be willing to undertake this for a fee of around 500 euros.
However, if you’re able to allocate around 3000 euros or more, you may be able to find someone willing to carry out a personalized property search, handling the entire process and finding a property that meets all your requirements.
How to Rent a Property in Asturias: Prepare for a Search of 2 to 8 Weeks with Airbnb
For most foreigners, finding a property in Asturias takes between 2 and 8 weeks. During this period, it’s often necessary to rent temporary accommodation through platforms like Airbnb or Booking. Here are some tips to make this process as effective as possible:
Be active and communicative. Visit as many real estate agencies as you can find, show your documents, and request assistance. Every contact can be valuable.
Spread the word among acquaintances and contacts. In Spain, properties are often rented through connections, so it’s worth asking everyone who might be able to help or offer advice.
Airbnb rental with a potential for long-term lease. If you find an Airbnb property you like, check its availability for future dates and ask the owner about the possibility of a long-term lease.
Look for listings on Idealista and Fotocasa. Send messages and call immediately on any listings you’re interested in. If you don’t speak Spanish, use a translator or ChatGPT to draft messages. It may also help to have someone make calls on your behalf — remember that any service should be compensated.
Offer a higher payment if feasible. If you really like a property, offer 10-20% more than the listed price, showing your seriousness and willingness to compensate for any perceived risks associated with renting to a foreigner.
Join expatriate communities. Join groups and chats for expatriates in Spain. Sometimes, these groups can help you find housing or provide valuable advice. Keep in mind that local landlords usually offer better conditions than foreign investors, who also understand the market’s challenges.
Avoid Deception: Honesty is the Best Policy
Always maintain honesty in your relationship with the landlord. If they don’t want to rent to tenants with pets, don’t try to hide your furry friend. If issues arise in the property after moving in, report them immediately; this will help avoid misunderstandings and foster a trusting relationship with the landlord. Remember, deception or withholding information can have negative consequences and harm your reputation.
As for documents, never falsify them. Falsification is not only unethical (in Spain, we represent our home countries and want to be seen as trustworthy), but it also carries serious legal risks. Spanish law strictly penalizes such offenses, so it’s best to focus on legitimate ways to demonstrate your solvency and reliability.
Finding a property in Asturias as a foreigner requires time, patience, and a well-thought-out strategy. The most important things are to have realistic expectations, prepare all necessary documents to demonstrate your financial stability, and communicate respectfully with landlords.
If you’re not successful at first, you might start to think that finding an apartment is impossible, but thousands of foreigners manage to rent in Asturias, even without a work contract or six months’ rent paid in advance. We don’t know anyone who ultimately didn’t find a place. Some manage within a week, while others may need a few months, depending on luck and persistence.